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Negotiate Used Cars Price with any seller like a pro

Tips to negotiate used car price written by "sales man"

For some "naturally born" salesmen negotiating can be a simple pursuit between a buyer and a seller, but for those of us who freeze under pressure may find ourselves not being able to take advantage of the best deals, which we all deserve. When it comes to small purchases such as negotiation on the price of shoes at an outdoor swap meet, the price tag is not a hindrance, but larger purchases can be another story. Take buying used cars for instance.

We all know that the seller starts off with a higher than expected asking price, with the predetermined concept that any buyer will try to lower the price through a process of negotiation. Negotiating is easier said than done and the last thing one want is to be taken for a sucker when it comes to buying your next used car.

Here are a few very simple and straightforward tips that will help you have the confidence to know how to negotiate with the seller on the price of a used car:

1) Be Persistent: One of the key underlining skills to the art of negotiation is persistence. Be persistent as you the buyer negotiate between the seller's asking price and your all time high. This also means, of course, that you should have a high or maximum amount that you are willing to spend so as not to go above that determined figure and to also have a solid ground for negotiating.

2) Know Car's Personal Value: What we mean by know the car's personal value is to determine, prior to negotiating with the seller, what the car is worth to you. That way you have a solid argument for the price you believe you should pay for the car. Check KBB to find the current value for a car. A car's worth is different from its value, which changes with each buyer in other words know its value to you, the person in the market for a used car. A buyer must ask him or herself exactly how much the car means to them and what they are willing to pay for a particular car based on its age, make, model and condition.

3) Know Car's Actual Value: To me negotiating is a form of an argument, where you the buyer are arguing your reason for paying the price with the seller's reason for asking the price. It stands to reason therefore, the more facts you know about your argument the better your strategy will be and the more leverage you will have upon negotiations. To find the actual value of a car, research what the kelley blue book value is for the car at which you are looking, and then compare it with four to five other similar cars that are selling in the same area. If you learn that there are less expensive cars with comparable mileage and other specifics, then you have negotiating power to lower the price by considering your option to purchase another car from a competitor seller. Let the seller know that you are aware they are not the only one with a desirable vehicle for sale.

4) Be Aware of Defects: When I say defects I am referring to the quality of the used cars as it is now in comparison to how it was when it was brand new. Carefully examine the shape and condition of the used cars and be sure to use any "defect" you find in the car, such as dings, scratches, and previous accidents the car may have been involved. Additionally, consider the condition of the tires and whether or not they need to be replaced soon, along with rust anywhere in or around the car, etc. as a valid means to negotiate a lower price with the seller.

5) Upgrades are Valuable: Negotiate or rather politely argue that the "necessary" upgrades are missing. We all have an idea of what a car "needs" even if those needs are not critical in helping a car run, but do add to a buyer's level of desire to drive it. Essentially what I am saying, is that with a used car you have the ability or at least the opportunity to negotiate the price simple because the car "should" come equipped with certain features that you may find as important and possibly a deal breaker when buying a car. Necessary upgrades may vary slightly by person, but keep in mind the following expected extras, such as CD player or iPod connector as examples to lower the price if the vehicle doesn't have the basics that any car its same year would or should have.

6) Be Firm but Reasonable: I feel the need to remind potential buyers that when negotiating on anything the seller has every right to ask as much or as little as they wish. It is because of the seller's prerogative on the price that it helps if the buyer is reasonable with his or her negotiation, and realizes that the seller too has to make money on the sale. Generally speaking, a seller wants to make a sale. The asking price is therefore different than the sale price, which may be an undetermined cost and may be discussed during negotiations. This is true unless they are not selling the used cars for quick cash, but rather to make an actual profit, then the seller is more likely to be strict in their sale and have a set asking price that they will not budge. However, in most cases, if the seller knows they can make a sale by lowering their asking price, then they will be more likely to come down and meet you somewhere in the middle between your ultimate high and their absolute low to avoid risk losing the buyer all together.

7) Online Negotiations: The best place to start your negotiations is online from home or office. It offers you the privacy and no worries about face to face negotiations. Cars for sale page offers easy to use online used cars price negotiation tool to used cars shoppers. Start your used cars price negotiation online the smart way.